Maintaining a blog is more than just writing blog posts on a regular basis. A blog must also have some important pages to help readers with all the necessary information. For example, a curious reader may wish to connect with you or know how he is being tracked online. In such a case, he might be looking for your contact and privacy policy page. Similarly, a potential advertiser may be searching for a media kit on your blog. So, having an advertisement page also makes sense. Right? From my 9 years of blogging experience, I can say that there are 8 important pages that every blog must have today. In this post, I will discuss each such page in detail, one by one.
1.) A landing page
As the name suggests, it is a page on your blog or website where your visitors first land when they visit your site. Ideally, this is your homepage. For example, the homepage of my blog is at
Generally, all blogs have a default layout where the latest posts are displayed on the homepage. When I started blogging, I kept such a layout for years. Later on, I realized the importance of having a landing page — a static page where you display all important information related to your blog. This information is usually displayed in a way so attractive that it encourages your readers to explore more about your blog, converting them into your fans and subscribers.
What should you add on your blog’s landing page?
A blog’s landing page shouldn’t necessarily be a sales page. It is the face of your blog, and you would want it to be clean, attractive, and representative of your personality. You can add the following elements or blocks while designing a landing page for your blog:
- Sections that explain what your blog is all about / niche of your blog
- About yourself
- Testimonials
- Your USP (Unique Selling Point) — How is your blog unique?
- Your blog accomplishments / milestones
- Latest posts
- Email subscription box
- Your digital products / services
Use your creativity to arrange the above elements in a meaningful and attractive manner. Call-to-Action is the most important aspect of a landing page that helps your visitors convert. In the above list, your push for email subscription and selling of digital goods is your call to action. So, use them very carefully.
2.) About page

The next important page on any blog is – ‘About page’. It is a page where you write about yourself along with a brief description of your blog. When someone likes reading your blog posts, he or she may also be interested in knowing more about you. Having an ‘About Page’ increases your trustworthiness as an author, as people embrace transparency more than anonymity.
A good ‘About page’ touches upon the following points:
- A brief introduction about you (as an author) – Your skills, passion, and what motivated you to start your own blog. Too good, if you could also add a confident head-shot!
- An introduction to your niche and blog – Why did you choose this niche? How is your blog unique? What unique value can you provide?
3.) Contact page

Another very important page on any blog is – ‘Contact page’. On this page, you provide your website visitors with an opportunity to contact you – through phone, email, video-chat, or by post.
My preferred mode of keeping in touch is through email or post. It’s less intrusive and more convenient than any other form of communication. If you want your readers to contact you through email, then having a Contact us form will be more secure than exposing your email address openly.
4.) Privacy Policy page
A privacy policy page is where you explain how you use the data and information collected from your website visitors. Whenever someone visits a blog/website, a tracking code is loaded, which may contain information like IP address, country, web browser, pages visited, and duration of visit.

Google Analytics is one of such widely used traffic analyzing software. Now, this is neither bad nor illegal. This data helps the blog owners analyze which pages/blog posts performed well, and which didn’t? This helps in better optimization of the blog. Similarly, when someone subscribes or leaves a comment, the IP along with email address is captured by the blog’s content management system.
As blog visitors, people have full right to know how is this data being used on the blog. What third-party applications and software have access to their data?
You can check my Privacy Policy page, just in case you need help with an appropriate format or template.
A Privacy Policy page is not just a requirement by law, but people appreciate and trust you even more when you disclose everything transparently.
5.) Advertise page
As your blog grows popular over a period of time, advertisers and brands will likely be in touch with you to sponsor their products or buy advertisement space on your blog. You have put in so much efforts on your blog, and now it is time to make some real money off your blog. Goes without saying, it’s an opportunity that no blogger would like to miss.

It is therefore important to have a dedicated ‘Advertise here’ page on your blog.
What should you write on ‘Advertise’ page?
Your ‘Advertisement page’ should include the following important facts:
- Your latest traffic statistics
- Demographic profile of your readers
- What should advertisers choose your blog?
- Available advertisement options – for example: display ads, paid product reviews, sponsored posts, or video ads.
- Advertisers or Brands that you have previously worked with
- An advertisement inquiry form
6.) Write for us page

Most of us start blogging by ourselves. In the beginning, we are the only writers, designers, and marketing managers for our blogs. But as your blog grows over a period of time, you will find it hard to manage your blog all alone. Opening up your blog to guest bloggers can be a good opportunity to at least delegate some writing burden off your shoulders.
However, be prudent while selecting guest posts. These days, many guest bloggers do it half-heartedly. They often lack that flair for writing and all they care about is a do-follow link to their own or client’s website. At this point, I’ll also encourage you to read my post where I pointed out the differences between guest posts and sponsored posts.
7.) Disclaimer page
If you are making money through affiliate marketing commissions or any other form of business partnership, you ought to disclose this information on a disclaimer page. This is a legal requirement, and will likely save you from being sued or penalized by the Federal Trade Commission.
Furthermore, if you are writing paid reviews, or just any kind of review while involves selling of products or services, it is again wise to disclose this information on a Disclaimer page. You can mention that the views expressed are solely of the author based upon his personal experiences with the products / services.
8.) Resources / Useful links page
This page has the potential to become the most visited page on your blog. Resources/links page is where you share a compilation of all the useful online tools/resources/digital assets related to your niche. Ideally, these are the tools that you often use and recommend frequently in your blog posts. Similarly, you could also include links to other valuable and useful websites related to your niche.
Photo Credits: Image by tswedensky - Pixabay Photo by Ian Schneider - Unsplash Image by Tumisu - Pixabay Photo by Myriam Jessier - Unsplash
Your Thoughts?
I hope you have found this post useful. Do you think there are some other important blog pages that should be included in this post? What are your thoughts? Please share.
This is amazing article, thanks for sharing it with us,I am bookmarking your blog to read more blogs like this.
Hi Abhishek,
Is it fine to add affiliate links or links to sell my digital assets on the resources page?
Nice post!
Hi Logan, Why not? If they are useful and valuable, they can be included 🙂