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8 Reasons Why DISQUS Is The Best Comment Service Ever!

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Published by Abhishek Raj

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There’s always a debate on the best comment system in blogosphere. Some like the default comment system of their CMS while some prefer to stick with a third-party and more powerful comment system. I fall in the latter category. I am a strong supporter of DISQUS and in this post I will share 8 amazing features that give DISQUS a sharp edge over its competitors.

Please Note: I am currently using Jetpack comments on my WordPress blog. This article was published on 26th March 2013 (yes, 7 years ago) when I was a fan of Disqus. But Disqus has slowly deteriorated and is no longer the super commenting system as it used to be. So my thoughts in the following post are outdated. Although some of these features might be relevant even today.

1. Fast, Fluid and Real-Time

disqus logoLeaving comments on a DISQUS powered blog feels so light and effortless. Your comments get posted within seconds of clicking the post button! What’s more? For logged-in users, the entire conversation (including recent comments and replies) appears as if it’s happening in real time.

2. Less Spam

spam control on Disqus comment system

This is one of the key features that separates DISQUS from rest of the comment services (especially CommentLuv). Its wonderful spam detection technology powered by akismet keeps fake/spam comments away!

3. Social Integration

social integration - disqus

With DISQUS, It’s possible to leave comments using your favourite social media networks. Currently, it supports all the 3 major social networking websites –Β  Google+, Twitter and Facebook. So if you don’t want to register an account with DISQUS, you can always drop your comments using anyone of these social networking websites! Moreover, you can also share interesting comments on Twitter or Facebook πŸ™‚

4. Complete Control

Under the hood, DISQUS gives you full control to manage the look and feel of your comments. You can change the default comment avatar, add CSS to personalize the look of your comments and you can even export, import and migrate entire threads, if you ever wish to make a switch πŸ™‚

5. Community

Community is another impressive feature of DISQUS. As the name suggests, it highlights the name of the people who interact the most with a blog powered by DISQUS, thus working as an integrated top commentators widget! The feature can be accessed by clicking on the community tab in the DISQUS widget. Here’s a screenshot of the latest community of Budding Geek:

disqus community

6. Remote Moderation

DISQUS email notifications make it possible to manage the comments on your blog via e-mail, right after the moment comments are posted on your blog! You can approve, delete and can even reply to the comments right from the comfort zone of your inbox. I bet it can’t get better than this!

remote comment moderation - disqus

7. Discussion Stars

DISCUSSION STARSDISQUS makes subscribing to a comment thread as easy as clicking on a star (icon), literally! It’s called starring a discussion. Now that’s a treat for lazy people πŸ˜€ Isn’t it?

8. Internal Discovery

Discovery is a feature introduced in DISQUS 2012. It’s of two types – internal and external. While internal discovery brings other popular discussions on your blog in focus, the external discovery points to related external links from other websites on your blog. DISQUS has a monetization program associated with latter one that apparently works on CPC model, but pays only cents πŸ™ Nevertheless, it doesn’t hurt to implement the former one as it does help to keep your visitors engaged πŸ˜‰

So, have you tried DISQUS? What do you like the most about it? You can share your thoughts in the comments below πŸ˜‰

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About the author
Abhishek Raj is the founder of Budding Geek. He is an inveterate blogger with a decade of experience in the internet technology & online marketing industry. Abhishek takes pride on being featured in some of the top industry websites like Marketing Land, Social Media Today, LifeHacker & ProBlogger.

12 thoughts on “8 Reasons Why DISQUS Is The Best Comment Service Ever!”

  1. I am in agreement with your reasons! You are right and I appreciate all of them you described above in detail. Do you share a video clip step by step about how effective Disqus to get unique visitors?

  2. It does bring a full control over the blog comments => no spam, moderators… What I really do not like is the admin page => way too many fancy but useless graphics

    • Hi Martin. Thanks for stopping by and sparing time to comment. I also don’t like those heavy graphics, but nothing leaves me frustrated than spam in comments. Recently I switched to the default WordPress commenting system for a change and the spammers started inundating my posts the following day. DISQUS is a true lifesaver!

  3. While I have an account with Disqus, it isn’t my chosen commenting system. I tried it for a while and opted for commentluv premium instead.

    • Thanks for your comment Shannon. I believe that the only advantage of using CommentLuv is that it attracts lots of comments (mostly disingenuous) because it offers a do-follow link to the most recent post, while Disqus doesn’t attract much because it doesn’t offer any sort of link-baiting to the people!
      And there are some areas where commentluv doesn’t even come closer to disqus, and these are:
      1. Real-time commenting system with a very neat UI
      2. Cut-down on spam comments (point #2)
      3. Multiple Login options (Facebook, twitter, G+ and disqus itself)
      4. Entire community at a glance (point #5)

      Shannon, why have you switched to CommentLuv? Any reason apart from attracting lots of comments?

      • I find it VERY user friendly. I have no issue with spam, no difference at all between any of the popular commenting systems I have tried. On various types of sites I own too. Some where content isn’t that comment-able (Finance) even. I love how you can see the user’s last post, it is very FRIENDLY, if you get my meaning. It encourages comments. Commenters are rewarded for frequent comments even.

        As for ease of use (multiple logins), that already exists on my site aside from the commenting system. It is seperate and not dependent on the comment system.

        The ONLY thing I cede, and grudgingly at that, where Disqus has CommentLuv beat is the community aspect. Though a simple Top Commenters widget would add that if it were important to me.

  4. You are right about the cut down on spam. This is a top list for DISQUS reference. The developers really used ingenuity on this product. No wonder you named this “The Best Comment Service Ever”

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