Are you fed up with the term ‘guest blogging’ ? Can’t bear those same set of hackneyed guidelines anymore? Don’t worry! It’s time to be a terrible guest blogger and to be notoriously known throughout the blogosphere. Here’s how one can be a terrible guest blogger in just 10 easy steps…
1. Keep E-mailing The Blog Owner
No matter how busy the blog owner might be, keep sending him repeated reminder e-mails until you get a ‘decent reply’.
2. Provide Copied/Spun Content
You are a wanna-be ‘terrible guest blogger’, so why should you waste your time writing a unique piece of content every time? Google your article’s topic, copy the full article, change a few words or sentences and voila! Your new article is ready.
3. Fill The Article With YOUR Links
Now, optimize the article by filling most of the important keywords with YOUR spammy links. Remember, more links = better SEO = more success!
4. Author Bio ? What Is It ?
You haven’t cared about writing even a single line of content. Then why should you bother about this author bio? Let the blog owner himself create a good one for you. Just provide him your pet name and your spammy site’s URL.
5. Send Your Attachment As a Plain Text Document
OMG, Formatting? It’s such a pain, especially when you have wasted your precious time in copying and editing of the article. Don’t do that, ever! It’s the blog owner who is hungry for guest posts, so let him format the article himself!
6. Keep Bothering Until Your Article Goes Live
Guest article sent? Great! Now keep pitching the poor blog owner about the expected publishing date and time.
7. Never Say Thank You (If Fortunately Published)
Saying ‘Thank You’ is against the character of a ‘terrible guest blogger’. Isn’t it ?
8. Never Reply To Comments
How the hell on the earth can someone spare 2 minutes just to leave a comment? Never mind, just ignore those comments. All that you care about is backlinks, don’t pay any attention to comments.
9. Copy The Entire Article And Thoroughly Spin It Once Again.
You have wasted your precious time searching, copying and editing the article. You have every right to re-use this article once again. Go ahead and find your next stupid target!
10. Repeat Steps 1 to 9
Congrats! You are a certified “terrible guest blogger” now 🙂 Can you think of anything else that’s useful for a terrible guest blogger? Please mention it in your comments below…