Be honest, do you really like getting up early in the morning to the irritating sound of your alarm clock? Like getting stuck in the traffic jam everyday? Like someone to guide you, order you, yell at you? Do you feel it exciting to run through the same old routine job from 9 to 5, almost 5 days a week? If most of your answers were ‘No’ then it’s most likely that you’ve a dominant creative nature and that routine job is hurting your artistic temperament very badly. It’s time to reconsider your options for livelihood.
I’m also a creative individual like you and I find ‘blogging’ the only way to express it, clearly. I just love blogging. I believe there’s no better way to earn a living than blogging – cashing dollars right from the comfort of your home, meeting new, like minded people behind the screens and most importantly, sticking to your own convenient time schedules. Amazing, isn’t it?

Here are some solid reasons why I prefer blogging as a full time career to a typical 9-5 job:
1. Time, Money and Location Freedom
With full-time blogging as a career, one enjoys time, money and location flexibility. Hereβs how:
Time freedom – Get up whenever you feel like and work for your blog as per your convenient schedules.
Money freedom – If one works strategically, passionately and patiently, sky is the limit. No jokes, check out the top 30 earning blogs in the world.
Location freedom – Work from anywhere. You just need a laptop with Internet connectivity π
A typical 9 to 5 job, though might offer you money, but at the cost of time and location rigidity. You are bound to reach your workplace on time and hit the assigned targets within a specified deadline. Tell me how cool is that?
2. Passive Income
I recently got paid by Google even without putting much efforts on my blog. My posting frequency has dropped drastically ever since i joined my post-graduation program in management. With hardly any time to look at the blog design and content creation, getting paid and that too (coincidently) in the first week of January was nothing short of an excitement. Wouldn’t you call that “passive income”? Doing almost nothing and still earning π
On the other side, you earn “active income” while working for a corporate. You earn money as long as you work for them. The moment one stops working, even a six figured CEO becomes zero from the next very day.
3. It Supports My Creative Nature
Blogging is not only about writing, it’s about putting all your creative energies constructively to create the content and design of your dreams. Itβs about presenting your ideas and thoughts in the best possible way. By the way, did you get a chance to read my post –Β Can introverts be successful bloggers? Do read that. You’ll get to know how creativity can be a big asset for success in blogging.
4. My Business, My Dream!
Does it make any sense to spend almost half of your life working for a corporate, making someone else’s dreams come true? And then, when you hit 60s, you’re thrown out just like the way a sugar-cane’s stick is thrown away after extracting its juice. Give it a deep thought β Itβs just that way.
I have a firm belief that all of us have some kind of a passion/dream somewhere inside our hearts. Like, someone might be having a strong passion to write, to paint, to sing or it can be even to make people laugh at jokes. It can be anything, but I’m damn sure that no one’s passionate to work for a 9 to 5 job. Tell me, are you? It becomes a liability to work because we are not courageous enough to take our interests and passions seriously…the people who take it seriously, create history!
Finally, i will like to end my post with a wonderful quote by Confucius –
[su_quote]Choose a job you LOVE, and you’ll never have to work a day in your life[/su_quote]
What Are You Passionate About?
I don’t expect everyone to have an ebullience for blogging. We all are different. But still, most of the points I’ve made above are valid for all kinds of personal passions. Doing what excites you the most? What work can you do even for free? And how do you compare it with a typical 9 to 5 job? Let’s introspect and share our thoughts in the comments below π
I’ve just started getting to know about the economics of blogging but I have not really started to earn a dime from it yet, I am sure I would if I knew how to put up adsense and affiliates but being technically challenged is a big hurdle. i wish there were courses that’d give you baby steps on how to get there. I really hate getting up and killing my creative instincts at a mundane job. I loved reading this post π
Hi coralcrue, thanks for dropping your comment π I’m planning to start a “step by step baby course” on setting up a blog and how to make it profitable via AdSense and affiliate marketing. Stay tuned or you can also subscribe to get timely updates π
Hi Abhishek, am so happy to hear about it. Wow! ‘Step by Step Baby course’ hahha sounds funny now that you have put it in quotes but am very much in need of it. I think I have already subscribed to you and that’s why I am getting your posts in my mail. Very informative. Yaaaay and thanks! π
ps- please do it around july as I will be able to attend. Or if it’s an online course like those webinars then i can attend from anywhere at anytime. will stay tuned
Hey coral, i think you’re getting it wrong. That’s neither an event nor a webinar kind of a course (I’m sorry, I’m a little busy with my MBA studies to conduct such events :)). I’ll be posting it here on Budding Geek itself. Don’t worry, since you’re one of my awesome subscribers, you’ll get the updates as usual. Have a great day! π
No worries, Abhishek. I also wanted to wish you all the best with your MBA π I can understand it won’t be possible to manage along with studies. I will catch up with your blog regularly. take care π